
My name is Maria Eugenia Pequeux. I was born in Villa Urquiza, in Buenos Aires City , on August 7, 1981. In my family there were five of us, my mother, my father ( who died in 2014), and my two brothers. In 1983, we moved to Merlo, Buenos Aires. Where I spent all my childhood and adolescence in a nice neigborhood. I grew up whit a lot of friends. At the age og ten , I rescued dogs whit my friends, and was very famous in my neihborhood for that. In 2000, I received a chemical technique and started working in a pharmaceutical laboratory. In 2010, I moved alone to Cañitas , Buenos Aires City, and started studing pharmacy. I graduated the last year. Now I can take best oportunity fron jobs Today , I live in a great neigborhood, there are a lot of bars and many people. Whit my friends on weekend , we can go rollerblading, go to bike riding, go runnig, You can do many outdoor activitis. For example there ir a park near here were you can do all all these activities. In the nigth I am going to dance , I can dance very well but I cant't sing. In a future I wuold like travel, make a lot of money, buy a house for my mom, get a new car, and have children and I´d like to add a liposuction to the list. This quarentine is killing me.


My name is Maria Eugenia Pequeux. I was born in Villa Urquiza, in Buenos Aires City, on August 7, 1981. In my family there were five of us, my mother, my father (who died in 2014), and my two brothers. In 1983, we moved to Merlo, Buenos Aires. Where I spent all my childhood and adolescence in a nice neigborhood. I grew up whit a lot of friends. At the age og ten, I rescued dogs whit my friends, and was very famous in my neihborhood for that. In 2000, I received a chemical technique and started working in a pharmaceutical laboratory. In 2010, I moved alone to Cañitas, Buenos Aires City, and started studying pharmacy. I graduated the last year. Now I can take best opportunity fron jobs Today, I live in a great neigborhood, there are a lot of bars and many people. Whit my friends on weekend, we can go rollerblading, go to bike riding, go runnig, You can do many outdoor activitis. For example there ir a park near here were you can do all all these activities. In the nigth I am going to dance, I can dance very well but I cant't sing. In a future I wuold like travel, make a lot of money, buy a house for my mom, get a new car, and have children and I´d like to add a liposuction to the list. This quarentine is killing me. | ¿Cómo utilizo la traducción de texto esloveno-inglés?

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